Officially Summer

Happy Wednesday y’all! Hope everyone is having a great week so far! I ended up doing things I really didn’t want to do yesterday but thats okay, I still got to have cake, presents, and got my 18,000 steps. No seriously!, I had to walk off all the cake and other goodies I ate for my Birthday. ? Plus, I’m on a mission of making up for all the days I didn’t get my 10,000 steps in since the first of June due to unexpected events. So far, so good. Anyways, since today is the Summer Solstice, I thought I would do something cute and simple, so let’s get started with “Officially Summer…..” Continue reading “Officially Summer”

Fun in the Sun

Well, it’s Wednesday again and I am still trying to catch up on sleep from all the excitment last week. I’ll get there eventually I hope but at this rate probably after I take my exam again. I’m thinking on the plane when I hope to go see my best friend but we shall see. Anyways, did you see my Instagram post last Thursday/Friday as part of National Best Friends Day with some new pens I got? Well, I decided to show them off again today so let’s get started with “Fun in the Sun…..” Continue reading “Fun in the Sun”