Happy Spring

Happy Write It Wednesday!!

Well, we are into the third day of Spring and it certainly does feel like it outside here in north Louisiana. Of course, it also apparently got up to 90 degrees Monday. Anyways, for today’s “Write It Wednesday” I have created a mosaic type picture with my Ecoline Watercolors and Molotow Masking Liquid Marker. Let’s get started with “Happy Spring….” Continue reading “Happy Spring”

Sunsets and Sunrises

Happy Write It Wednesday!!

We’ve made it to the middle of the week! Who’s tired of this wacky weather? Talk about some craziness! When I left and made it to the MS Gulf Coast it was super warm around 75-80 degrees. By the time we left Sunday and go home, it’s dropped back down to the 50’s. Despite the wacky weather, while on the MS Gulf Coast, I did get some awesome pictures of the Sunsets and Sunrises! I thought today I would share a few of those pictures and continue showing off my Ecoline Watercoloring skills. Let’s get started… Continue reading “Sunsets and Sunrises”