Young Living Starter Kits

It’s Oily Thursday!!

So, I thought I would start the year with some information about the Young Living Starter Kits. Though they have several to choose from, for this series of posts I’m going to talk about the main one everyone gets to start off. Today will be in general of what comes in the kit and the different options for it. Then, over the next several weeks, I’ll go more in-depth of what each essential oil can be used for, as well as, how each diffuser you can choose from works. Let’s get started… Continue reading “Young Living Starter Kits”

What Scars


So, I was going to start a series today about the Young Living Start Kits, however; I decided I had to share this, so my series will start next Thursday. Anyways, why do I say WOW you ask? Well, you will not believe this; as I almost don’t believe it myself. One of the main reason I do believe is that I’ve been using essential oils for so long now, I know how much they work. Let’s get started with “What Scars?…”

**Before continuing please be aware I do have actual pictures of my scars but they are up close so you don’t see anything but the scars….**

Continue reading “What Scars”

Extreme Owie

It’s Oily Thursday!!

Hope everyone is having a great week so far! Tonight is the Saints fourth and last preseason game. Who’s as excited as me? Though they haven’t won a game in the preseason, I believe! A couple of weeks ago my “Scrap It Friday” post was delayed due to unforeseen circumstances; so, today I thought I would share the reason why and what has helped more than anything else. Continue reading “Extreme Owie”